2024-04-12 archive

I stopped drinking the tap water in the room, and I started feeling better pretty much instantly, so I conclude that the people around here are poisoning my tap water still. The WRIGGLER problem got MUCH WORSE since I checked into this hotel, and there have been interceptors in the stairwell and outside the stairwell pretty much every time I leave or enter through the exit near my room, which is not the front entrance. I have also been feeling like irritant is getting injected into the palm of my hand very frequently when I use the current hotel's entrance nearest to my room. After just waking from a long nap and going to get a bottle of water, I just tried the other side entrance since all the parking in the front was full. Now the WRIGGLERS are going again. They also just put HAIR RAPE on the grocery bag of the water I just got from the store, so I may feel bad again tomorrow if they poisoned this water in response to me stopping drinking the poisoned tap water. They attacked me with the 3:00 DEEP ANAL WRIGGLER immediately when I wrote that last part about possibly poisoning my water bottle from the store, but I will have to wait and see if this water is ok or not. That first large drink I took from the water I just bought did not seem exactly right, but I will have to wait and see if my body is suddenly fucked up again tomorrow.

Other than that, today was pretty weird. I went to the gym around noon, and I did a little jog (3:00 DEEP ANAL WRIGGLER again) on the treadmill, which was much easier than usual. I was only breathing somewhat hard when I stopped. After that, I went to do some more warm-up stuff in the gym's Crossfit area, but something happened. Then I woke up in an ambulance or the hospital with my shirt cut open. They were saying I stopped breathing or that my heart stopped or something, but my chest is not sore like it would be if anyone had done chest compressions on me. Instead, my left glute is sore like someone took about 0.1 seconds to inject me with about 1cc of fluid. Maybe I passed out and fell on my glute, but I can't say what happened other than that I do not feel like I passed out and fell down. Only my glute is sore, not my elbows or anywhere on my head like I would expect if I had passed out while standing up. I do not think I passed out, however. I was feeling pretty good today, and I was hardly winded after my jog, which is when the strange event happened. Rather, I think this is the continuation of the judaism from the little runt who has been tormenting me, who I think is the father of that other piece of shit Jed, or in league with him to the extent that there are probably several people fucking with me in that disguise which matches this other jew I started posting recently almost perfectly.

It is suspicious that after the little guy started fucking with me in the gym two days ago, and then he continued to fuck with me yesterday, he was also at the hospital today to peek his ugly, chinless face into the room where they had me in the emergency department. I am not sure what happened, but that little piece of shit clearly wanted to put his face on it. It seems like he escalated from just fucking with me verbally over the past two days, despite my many requests that he should not do so, to an incapacitating poison attack today. However, I can't say what happened because there is a gap in my memory. I think I can kind of remember becoming light-headed when I went to set up my resistance band for shoulder warm-ups, but I am not sure. All of that is pretty foggy. I see the jew token LINK crashed almost immediately when I passed out, which would have been about 12:45 if I got to the gym at ~12:30 and spent 10 minutes on the treadmill, four walking and six jogging, before going to the Crossfit area. The chart for the jew token (above) makes it seem like something good happened, but that little jew having followed me to the hospital apparently to gloat makes it seem like something bad happened, as does this place on my chest where they shaved the hair to attach some kind of diagnostic equipment to me, or to make it seem like they had. I was able to leave the hospital almost right away, and then I got some food and went back to the latest hotel where I ate and took about a three hour nap. I still feel pretty out of it, like there are certain lingering effects of some harsh poison.

The Deep State Prepares For A Trump Victory

This little piece of shit at the gym was starting shit with me at the gym again today, and I complained about him to the manager again since I am unable to get him to respect my many requests that he should not initiate verbal interactions with me. I think they're definitely going to get me kicked out of there for complaining about him harassing me. Maybe not, but I will be surprised if they don't. Also, I mentioned that they may have been spraying me with onion stink, but actually when I was eating onions all the time in Georgia, I was eating Vidalia sweet onions. Currently, I am eating different onions that are more aromatic and make your eyes water, unlike Vidalia onions that don't do that. Therefore, I consider that it is well possible that the essence of these stronger onions is coming out in my sweat as onion stink. Maybe I will switch from onions to spinach in my stir fry.

US 'Considering' Dropping Prosecution Of Assange, Biden Says

I mentioned that they started fucking with me quite a bit in the grocery store this week, including putting one nasty bottle of water covered in black filth on the shelf with the water I buy. After my fast ended about a month ago, my weight went back to about 220 pretty quickly, and it was staying around there. However, in the last five days or so, I have gained another 10 pounds and I am totally bloated with swollen feet and ankles, and I do not believe the posters on 4chan who say that they are not already back to poisoning me in the grocery store. If they aren't poisoning me in the store, then they're poisoning me elsewhere because the obvious symptoms of poisoning materialized immediately when that fucked up bottle of water appeared on the shelf in the store. Furthermore, after they put those onion peels in the laundry room yesterday, someone sprayed me with onion stink in the gym today. I put on clean clothes and took a shower right before I went there, and I have never smelled that smell from my own body, so I think they are spraying me with stink now if someone is making them not poison my laundry directly. This would be like the previous condition I mentioed where they started injecting me with poison directly as soon as someone made them stop poisoning the food in the store. Maybe the people online are telling the truth about the non-poisoned things in the store, but I am DEFINITELY severely poisoned right now. I have also been drinking the tap water in the latest hotel room, so that could be a source of poison as well. Overall, I think everyone who says they aren't poisoning me is lying. Maybe they aren't doing it at the store, but I am MEGA-DOSED with the bloaty poison right now.. The sudden weight gain and swollen bloatiness aligns perfectly with the appearance of that fucked up bottle of water on the shelf at the store. It also aligns with me starting to drink the tap water, however, so I can't pin anything down other than that I have obviously gotten MEGA-DOSED with the poison lately.

This little piece of shit was trying to start shit with me in the gym today. He is the one that plays air guitar every time the RAPE DICK starts blasting, and he makes all the other CIA agents in the gym pretend like they are his friends and he's Mr Cool who everyone likes, and they're not going to end up hating him when they get tortured to death for working with him. After he started fucking with me, I told him to mind his business. He would not fuck off, and I told him not to talk to to me. He kept insisting on talking to me, and he would not respect my polite request that he should fuck off. Finally, after I had told me to leave me alone about five times, I raised my voice and started making angry sounds. That got him to finally fuck off, and then I went and complained about his outrageous harassment to the gym staff. No doubt, this will be cited as part of the problematic pattern when I inevitably get kicked out of the new gym. After that, he called in a gangstalker strike on me with the clones, but it was pretty brief. The person wearing the disguise of this little piece of shit today was definitely one of several men that used to tell me when I was a child that I owed all of them the respect that a son owes to his father. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this one was the Joseph George Tooker whose name is now written all over my face with mutilating depilations.

On my walk today, some group of kids was pre-following me down Dale Blvd. As I was about to overtake them, someone driving by in a van threw something at them from the front passenger seat, or it was thown just in front of them. One of the kids adjusted it with his foot so the text would be perfectly oriented for reading as I passed it a moment later, and I saw the name was "Carl Jackal." I decided to cancel the rest of my walk since I'm getting raped literally everywhere other than my hotel now, and the gym is seeming mostly alright although I have been raped there many times already. I think this "3G" writing on the other side of the card says "37" in reference to Carl's bff Shit Cunt.

This morning, I stopped at the bank to get quarters for the laundry at the new hotel. When I stepped outside after I got them, they were already attacking me with new TESTICLE ZAPPERS before I walked the 30ft to my car. Then they were attacking me with new TESTICLE ZAPPERS on the whole drive to the gym after that. When I got to the store after the gym, some stalker was waiting to "accidentally" drop a quarter in from of me and then walk directly next to me into the store. Some asshole from the gym was stalking me inside the store, and they MEGA ZAPPER attacked my foot as soon as I got to the cash register in the self-checkout. After that, some nasty ugly bitch was waiting near my car in the parking lot to exclaim AGAIN! just before the new RAPE DICK that they gave me in the Safeway got cranked up. RD was low all morning in the hotel, and it was low in the gym, but as soon as I got in my car after at that AGAIN! heckler attacked me, it got cranked up very high again, and it continues to be very high back in my hotel room as I make this post. The DUPI also seems much worse, but the new TESTICLE ZAPPERS are not continuing. However, the new RAPE DICK is **very much** continuing.

I woke up this morning with a pair of wounds on my neck matching the damage on the water bottle that I posted last night. I noticed them because they were rather painful when the hot water was running over them in the shower. They look like superficial scratches, but they are not. They are painful wounds to which my attention was immediately drawn when I got in the shower this morning. The HAIR RAPIST also attacked me four times while I was in there.

They either fucked up my bottle of water at the store again this evening, I got unlucky and picked up the bottle that was fucked up with two red dots melted into what look like punctures in the bottle directly next to the handle where my center of attention would be directed as I was going to drink from it. There's been one bottle like this, of the same brand and variety that I buy, covered in nasty black shit just sitting on the shelf next to the ones I've been buying for several days, and someone has smashed the tops of many of the bottles of the sort I buy as well. It seemed like they were doing it to psych me out, but now that they are fucking with me in that store again, I wonder if they didn't poison it. They used the RAPE RAY to fuck up my groceries last night, as I already posted. When I was getting lunch earlier, they announced TWO! ZERO! ZERO! on the intercom just as some interceptor with a giant spot missing from the back of his non-bald hair got in my way and pre-followed me to the checkout area. They had stopped fucking with me in there for a few days, but now they are fucking with me in there very much. Even after attempting to select a non-fucked up bottle of water from the shelf where they have some nasty, filthy, and dirty bottles displayed that no one is ever going to buy, I have discovered very quickly that the bottles I selected were fucked up two days in a row. Last night, I had definitely picked a good bottle, and they used the rape ray on me to make it appear suddenly fucked up in my basket. I don't know if they added these disfiguring marks to the bottle I selected today before or after I picked it up, but now I am wondering if they aren't poisoning me in there again. I think the rice pudding I bought for breakfast in there was poisoned today as well. I became *VERY* sleepy for a short while immediately after I ate it. If they are poisoning the pudding, or selling poisoned pudding, then I don't see what would be stopping them from poisoning the water, or selling poisoned water. Certainly they are making some obvious statement by having that one filthy gallon of distilled water on the shelf all week, and mockers and interceptors not only have free reign to fuck with me in there, but the people who control the store's sound system are helping them do it.

This bitch that got me kicked out was probably the one who poisoned my Skittles a couple of days ago too.

In the gym today, it was mostly peaceful other than an Erin and Jenna sound-alike HECKLER pair that got behind me almost immediately when I started jogging on the treadmill. Simultaneously witht heir HECKLING operation, I was attacked with the LEFT FOOT ARCH ZAPPER that I was recently complaining about. when I left the gym, it looked like some guy was outside waiting to RAPE me. Due to the presence of an apparent friendly stalker, he was not able to do it, but he still was very obvious about spitting at me as I drove away. At the store when I got lunch on my way home, there was some guy waiting at the entrance in a FAGS shirt, and he was probably intending to be gloating over what he thought would be a basting new MEGA RAPE DICK. When I got back to the hotel, the whole building reeked of fermented trash. Then I went for my walk and saw two cop cars out front of the hotel when I returned. The cops were waiting for me, and they said the hotel canceled my reservations and was issuing me a criminal trespass notice due to "harassment," and I needed to leave. During some unrelated conversation, one of the cops denied that we are in Antarctica, and made an unambiguous claim that we are in North America, which I do not believe.

Now I will speculate on how i got kicked out of a third hotel following the Majorko operation to get me kicked out of the steady state in Chantilly. I guess getting me kicked out is the new normal. I hope it isn't, but usually once things get worse they never go back to being less worse. On Thursday, I went to the last hotel's front desk and asked to get my room cleaned on Friday, and it didn't happen. I called the front desk late on Friday afternoon and asked for it be rescheduled for Saturday. On Saturday, I asked the cleaning lady if she was going to clean my room, and she told me that she was not going to because I was not on her list. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication here. I thought she was telling me that my room was again not scheduled for cleaning, as it had not been after I asked the first time. However, the eventual resolution was that I was on another cleaning lady's list, not the list of the woman cleaning the room a few doors down from mine, and the other lady came a little later in the afternoon. So, there was actually not a problem.

Still, when I thought there was a problem, I called down to the desk and asked what the problem was. The person who answered the phone was the bitch from the post pictured above who would not give me the tech support number until I had asked for it 100 times, and who was being a giant bitch every time I saw her, and who was obviously trying to get me kicked out of the hotel by constantly starting shit me so she could cite a problem of me always having a problem with her: she manufactured the problem by profoundly low level of customer service and her massively obviously intentional acts of disrespect, such as giving me the finger, among other things. Anyways, I explained to her that I was not calling to get my room cleaned, but I was calling to find out why I had asked for service twice and I still wasn't on the list. She kept trying to change the subject as she asked me many times if I still wanted my room cleaned on Saturday. I told her that I did still want it cleaned on Saturday, but that the purpose of my call was not to address that issue. I clarified (many times) that I was calling to find out why my fucking room wasn't on the cleaning lady's list for the second day in a row after I had requested the room service on Thursday and Friday. She kept trying to change the subject, and I kept redirecting her back to reason why I was calling: why are my cleaning requests not being honored? She was interrupting me enough that I felt like I had to remind her that interrupting me was rude and unprofessional, and then she lied to say that I wasn't answering her when she asked if I still wanted the room service on Saturday. I had absolutely and clearly already confirmed for her that I did still want the service, but that that was not the reason for my call. She kept saying that she didn't know what the problem was, and I explained that I did not call expecting her to know what the problem was. Rather, I told her, my expectation was that she would find out what the problem was because I had called her to request that information. I was clear explaining that it was fine that she didn't know, and I wasn't expecting her to know, but I wanted her to find out. I had to tell her this very many times, and she was just being a totally ignorant fucking retard acting like I was calling about trying to get my room cleaned when I had told her probably ten times that I was not calling about getting my fucking room cleaned.

I told her very many times that the purpose of my call was to find out why I did not receive the service on Friday after requesting it on Thursday, and then the cleaning lady was telling me on Saturday that I wasn't on her list again after I had requested it again on Friday. Despite my VERY MANY clarifications to this effect, this dumb fucking cunt kept trying to change the subject to ask me if I wanted to make a third room service request, and she lied to say that I wasn't answering her even though I had made it very clear that even though that was not the purpose for my call, I did still want the room service that i had already requested twice. My issue, the one that I could not get this fucking malicious bitch to acknowledge, was that I did not want to make a third service request until I understood why my previous two service requests had failed. Although I told her that about 100 times, she was being a cunt pretending like she couldn't understand what I plainly stated about 50,000 times on the call. So, by being a giant unhelpful and rude cunt to me on the phone yesterday, she completed the workunit she had started when I checked in. She succeeded in getting me kicked out by being a huge unprofessional cunt, just like the people that got me kicked out of the last hotel, exactly as was her glaringly obvious intention which I documented when posting about our previous interactions.

At the last hotel, I got kicked out because the night manager started throwing a tantrum and used his hand to strike the laptop I was holding in an apparent attempt to knock it out of my hand and dash it to the ground. Now, I got kicked out of this hotel because the woman who was obscenely unhelpful every time I interacted with her needed to have her attention redirected to the purpose of my call about 500 times, which was only a friendly redirect for the first 490 or so times. It was the same thing at both hotels. The staff just started shit with me, and then I got kicked out. At the last hotel, they at least let me finish the reservation, and I don't think I'm banned. At the hotel today, they cancelled my reservation and banned me not only internally, but by having the cops serve me a criminal trespass notice as well.

I switched hotels, and then went to get dinner. When I got to the store, some asshole was very deliberate to show me the two giant containers of tuna salad he got, which made it seem like he had cleared out the deli's supply. At the deli counter, I saw it was almost all gone, almost confirming my interpretation of the tuna interceptor's psychological warfare operation. However, the remaining small amount in the tuna tray was exactly how much I wanted, and this did not inconvenience me, probably despite the jews' intention to cause another inconvenience. That piece of shit "Joseph" that stuck his hand in my groceries at the self-checkout was working as the store manager tonight, and someone fucked up the bottle of water I had picked up during a RAPE attack in the store. It doesn't seem like they poisoned my food, but they definitely used the RAPE RAY on me to fuck with the groceries in my basket while I was shopping. When I left the store, they had thrown a bunch of Q-tips and baby wipes next to my car. Also, when I used the side entrance to the new hotel after moving my stuff into the room, I got attacked with the LRAD and there was sudden irritation in the palm of my hand indicating that they have already raped me at the new hotel too.

It looks like the CEO of Blackrock is a body double for Shit Cunt.

I used the "search This PC" bar in Windows Explorer to locate everything named "Kate." Then I deleted it all and reinstalled Kate Editor again from the Microsoft Store. The keyboard input is working again, but the color palate options are still not labeled (above), and some of the color formatting is different although I have made my own custom color scheme (762 Colors) by only brightening the "current line" and "selected text" colors in the Vim Dark color template. This stuff where the brackets around the HTML tags are yellow seems like it should not be there because it was not standard in the Vim Dark color theme on my last Kate Editor install. As long as the keyboard is working, however, I think it should all be ok, and I don't mind this yellow color for the bracket. Maybe the Vim Dark theme got updated.

After I did laundry last week, I noticed the seam in my pants had been ripped. I suspected that they fucked my pants up in the laundromat. This week, today, I noticed that a seam was fucked up on the first shirt I took out of my laundry basket, and I think they used the RAPE RAY on me to not only fuck my shirt up, but to leave a long black thread in the most obvious place. When I was fixing it after I got home with my needle and thread, I saw they had actually ripped the seam on the sleeve, and the lower hem. This was a new or almost new Wrangler shirt, which is more expensive due to high quality, and it is impossible that the like-new shirt might already be falling apart in two places.

They attacked me with HAIR RAPE about 10 times while I was in the laundromat this evening, and I think they injected something into the giant mole on my arm that I got in Long Island. It became very inflamed and it looks like there is a new syringe puncture in it. They attacked me with the WRIGGLERS more than a dozen times, and some guy with a broken hand and his accomplice with a red hoodie attacked me with an enveloping maneuver and simultaneous TESTICLE CRUSHER attack. After that, some familiar-looking woman sat next to me and was one-eyeing me very intently. I had my laptop with me while I was waiting for the clothes to finish, and they have certainly loaded a virus onto my computer. When I got back to the hotel, the reconnection to the wifi was non-standard with some new warning about insecure network problems, and my HTML editor, Kate, which I use to create the HTML for this website, was all fucked up. I uninstalled it and reinstalled a few times, and I cannot get a non-fucked up version. I tried the Kate site, and the Microsoft store, but everything is fucked up. They keyboard input is broken (I am using Windows Notepad right now, which works as normal), and the color fields in the color menu of the preferences window are not labeled. Usually, it tells you which colors are which so you know what you are editing, but now it's just a bunch of unlabeled colors to click on. Mainly, however, the keyboard input is not working, and the cursor does not look right. I think it's supposed to be a pipe symbol, but now it is a white rectangle like I have "insert" toggled, but I do not have it toggled. It also appears that I picked up several new SCROTUM ZAPPERS recently, probably in the laundry today, but maybe not.

Whatever were the "corrective" actions taken after "Nuland's" facial mutilation MEGA-STRIKE, they seem only to have encouraged my rapists to do it even more now. They've started injecting me with poison directly, or doing some form of "forced medication" other than sneaking their poison into my food. They did it on the walk last week, and at the Walmart this week, at least. I got raped in the Staples when I went there for a sunshade, they fucked my face up a few days ago and sliced two of my fingers with a razor this week. I think they fucked my nose up again yesterday, and they dug a giant pit on the top of my head yesterday or the day before. Now there's another new giant pit square in the middle of my forehead, and that definitely wasn't there when I was looking in the mirror at the gym yesterday. I assume they amputated this pit into my forehead this morning when I went to the gas station. My asshole is completely full of what are obviously a different set of WRIGGLERS, and that is something that happened in the past few days as well.

After I finished at the gym and bought lunch today, I got what I interpreted as the all-clear signal on the fucking LRAD when I got back to the hotel. A few minutes later, however, I got what seemed like a very strong poison signal as I began to eat the Skittles I bought. If they weren't selling me poisoned Skittles at the store, and if they were indeed poisoned by the time I started to eat them, then I think the hotel staff probably robbed me while I was en route from my car to to my room, and they stole the Skittles I bought and replaced my bag some some similar-looking but 100% non-fungible bag of poisoned bullshit to make it seem like they hadn't robbed me. The horrible cunt at the desk in this hotel is also the FBI-heckling stalker at the gym, and today or yesterday she made some comment about how, "She's still there," so that would fit if the FBI was having its on-site agents escalate to full-blown robbery now that they're too weak to continue poisoning me how they were before. On the other side of that, if injecting my with poison and stealing my food are the alternative to poisoning my food in the store when I buy it, then that seems like this option would be preferable for them in certain ways because it eliminates the possibility that I might avoid their poison by not eating the food articles that they poisoned. I am getting poisoned less now than I was, but I am still getting poisoned and now my face is getting mutilated on what seems to be a daily basis, or a multiple-times-per-day basis.

If the on-site agent robbed me today, then this would be, I think, two or three days after the FBI Director was in the gym giving me Cunt Face when he attacked me with new RAPE DICK as I was leaving. Anyways, whatever happened after the facial mutilation MEGA-STRIKE was so mild and low key, it seems from my limited perspective to make the price of fucking up my face look affordable to the people who are going to have to pay it, and the issue is EXTREMELY BAD right now. It's not just bad relative to a recent lull; it is extremely bad right now overall.

It looks like they also made another giant amputation pit in the middle of my forehead, between the eyes. I have noticed that when my blood is pumping after I warm up in the gym, the straight part of bottom of the arrow they amputated into my forehead looks much worse than the pictures I posted previously, and that condition of understated severity is reflected and indicated in the pictures below. I have been seeing this V-shape (below) cut into my forehead every day at the gym, but today I noticed this other new pit at the base of the V-shape, and I am 100% certain it is new. After I got back from the gym, I could plainly see a dark circular spot of some new damage where the newest facial amputation pit was so obvious in the gym.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

My rapists attacked me with a new LEFT FOOT ARCH MEGA ZAPPER some time in the past few weeks. It is bothering me quite a bit, as are the several MEGA ZAPPERS implanted in my various fingertips, the TESTICLE CRUSHER implants, the TESTICLE ZAPPER implants, the URETHRA ZAPPER, the DEEP URETHRA PAIN INFLICTOR, the LEFT EYE WRIGGLER, the RAPE DICK, the LRAD, etc.

This new damage on my nose is pretty bad. This seems like even more since yesterday.

I am pretty sure that they made another giant dent in the top of my head. After the facial mutilation MEGA-STRIKE that the State Department authorized by giving "Nuland" notice of early retirement instead of firing "her" on the spot without giving her a chance to do a last-hurrah work of Satan (with the blessing of the USA), one of the mutilations I documented was a dent on the top of my head. It was completely asymmetrical, but now there is a matching dent on the other side so that I have some disgusting bulbous lobe on the top of my head now.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Prosecutors in Trump's classified documents case sharply rebuke judge's unusual and 'flawed' order

>"A president has sole authority under the PRA to categorize records as personal or presidential during his/her presidency. Neither a court nor a jury is permitted to make or review such a categorization decision."

>An outgoing president's decision to exclude personal records from those returned to the government, she continued, "constitutes a president's categorization of those records as personal under the PRA."

Special counsel rips judge's jury instructions request in Trump classified documents case

>Cannon instructed lawyers to draft instructions based on the assumption that presidents have the "sole authority" under that act to lawfully retain documents at the end of their term by declaring them as "personal" or "presidential" records, aligning with Trump's defense in the case.

This is bullshit in the second article about "declarations." As the law is written and quoted in the first article, the President only needs to "categorize" them. The judge's opinion that they were automatically categorized as personal when he didn't return them is completely reasonable. Furthermore, Smith's umpteen witnesses saying they didn't hear a declaration regarding the PRA are irrelevant since declarations are not a precondition of the "sole authority" granted to the President in such matters.

I saw in another article that Smith is actually also trying to argue that Trump had never even heard of his categorization powers under the PRA until well after he had left office. This other argument hat at least kind of makes an attempt at making sense unlike all these witnesses that keep getting mentioned as if making a verbal declaration of the categorization was a valid legal premise, which it is not. Even then, on the second argument, however, the PRA does not say that the President's "sole authority" in such matters is restricted by and predicated upon his knowledge of the PRA's words or the powers delegated to him by those words. Rather, the PRA says the President is vested with such power, full stop. There are no caveats. Indeed, the only clarification is that courts and juries don't have the power to review the President's decisions, such as arguing that he had never heard of the PRA when he exercised the powers delegated by it. The judge's apparent opinion (I'm not sure if that was the judge's opinion or a case she was examining) that the records were automatically categorized as personal when he didn't return them is completely reasonable. Otherwise the PRA would say what steps have to be taken to make an official categorization of records. Since there are no such steps written into the law, the automatic categorization by retention is the only reasonable interpretation.

Smith's suggestion that "there was nothing personal about the records" is also quite stupid because Trump left office with them as his own "personal" records, in the sense of personal property. So, Smith's suggestion that there was nothing personal about them is stupid because they were personal by way of being Trump's personal property that he was entitled to under the PRA, regardless of the nature of the information in the documents. It's like Smith is saying a President can only take records when he leaves office if it was note to himself saying something like, "Becky's sweater was cute today." Obviously, the word "personal" in the PRA means "belonging to the President, not the government." Smith's suggestion that personal refers to the information content of the records is completely stupid. Those documents were the "personal" property of their owner. Trump pretty well established himself as the owner by keeping them and not giving them back to the government.

I think the mutilation attack today was either much worse than I noticed at first, or they attacked me with a second nose mutilation attack after I made the earlier post about the cuts on my fingers and new nose damages. There appears to be a whole horizontal S-shape amputated into the tip of my nose now, intersecting the vertical S-shape, which also seems worse, possibly because I am directing my attention toward it, but possibly because they made that worse as well. The main picture above shows that the severely nauseating simulated bifid nose deformity is plainly visible directly from the front now, and, together with this pic, there is a long horizontal amputation pit terminating in the right nostril pit that I indicated earlier.

My nose is extremely fucked up.

I got this email from the website I used to book my current reservations, and I just got done speaking with the lady at the front desk. She spoke to the manager and confirmed that they did not request cancellation of my booking, and she said that they don't do that at all. Someone must be fucking with me and fucking up my reservations. I hope this doesn't start happening regularly that the jews are afforded impunity to fuck up my housing arrangements like they already were when they had me arrested for felony burglary because I was living peacefully and quietly in my own legal residence.

Although the grocery store seemed pretty calm tonight, there were obvious Satanic stalkers waiting for me in the parking lot behind the hotel when I got back from the store, and I think they poisoned me behind the hotel. My piss is fucked up again, and it has been since I got back from walking, after it had finally gone back to normal, so they probably poisoned me somewhere earlier too, probably behind the hotel when I got back from buying lunch when the hotel staff was YEAH! heckling me to indicate the allegation of poison as soon as I entered the building.

I guess that explains why the RAPE DICK started blasting at my desk around 9:00am this morning rather than being delayed until about 1:30 when I go into the bench/dumbbell area in the gym.

The hecklers were very much worse in the gym today, and some people were acting stupid in the grocery story. I didn't get YUSS! confirmed when I got back to the hotel after the gym and store like I have been, and now I can see that someone sliced two of my fingers with a razor and made two sets of two matching amputation pits on my nose next to some other anomalous red pit wound that has appeared for "no reason" today. Beyond just two sets of two lines, this other photo makes it look like the they carved into my nose today the same face that they bleached onto the head of my dick last year. So, they are still amputating parts of my nose, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're poisoning the food at the store again too.

Three days post-shave.

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Pic of a giant bare patch in my mustache that was hopefully not a further depilation attack. I am 100% certain that I wasn't the one who did this mindlessly pulling on my mustache. This happened at the same time when they injected me with poison the other day on my first clockwise trip around the current walking circuit.

Two days post-shave.

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Some worthless piece of trash was loudly BANGING on the wall around the time I posted this. I guess the WRIGGLERS and DUPI didn't start until hours after I left the store because they're raping me in my hotel room again.

I had no WRIGGLERS all afternoon after I left the gym, with the possible exception of a possible 9:00 one when I passed the sign for the church of Satan, and a 7:00 when I was posting about that possibility. In the last hour, however, it has gone up quite a bit with the WRIGGLERS, and the DUPI is back now too. I've had about 100 WRIGGLER attacks since I got in my car where they had sprayed their nasty stink at the Safeway, and the DUPI is back too.

One day post-shave.

I am 100% sure that this long, straight line on my cheek didn't used to be there. I think as the hair continues to grow, this will say JOE, as I indicated in my previous posts. Also, I didn't indicate it, but there's a few, weird straight lines on my cheek there, in addition to the one I indicated. Since it kind of makes an arrow, I took a picture (indicated in a linked pic below) of the area were my jaw blocks my line of sight, and the arrow seems to point to a large-ish bare patch.

In news unrelated to this post, but related to the previous post about grocery Satanists, after none of the bottles of water I buy were messed up for the past couple of days, about half of them were messed up today (in collaboration with the grocery Satanists, certainly), and I am wondering if the one I bought isn't leaving a weird taste in my mouth. The Bible says it's ok, so it probably is. I drank about 1/3 gallon and I don't feel sick. However, the taste seems slightly off for distilled water.

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Two obvious Satanists intercepted me twice in the Safeway when I was just getting dinner. When I said, "Excuse me," to the one that looked male after he clearly, deliberately got in my way at the end of the aisle, he got extra close me to me and started walking next to me where he could have easily put his hand in pocket instead of getting out of my way. After they intercepted me in the store twice and I rang up my groceries, they followed me out of the store, heckling me from behind. I immediately stopped and went back to the area in front of the store so I would not be walking with them in the parking lot, and I was not surprised to see that they had parked next to me. After they eventually left, following a strange delay that prevented them from just getting in the car and driving away immediately like most people, I went to my car where I found that they had fogged it out with the nasty reek of their FART spray. As soon as I smelled it, the RAPE DICK started blasting again, and it has not stopped now that I am back in my hotel room. Therefore, since the RAPE DICK had already stopped bothering me from where it was bothering me after I left the gym, I believe I got anally raped at the Safeway this afternoon, making at least three different RAPE attacks today. I also may have gotten another 9:00 WRIGGLER attack right after I passed the sign for the "Holy Family" church of Satan while I was on my walk. My mind was elsewhere at the time, however, and I can't be sure it was a WRIGGLER attack. However, if it was, it came right after I passed the sign for the church of Satan. Other than that, the RAPE DICK that started blasting as soon as I smelled the FART spray in my car has not subsided at all, and I did definitely get a 7:00 MID WRIGGLER attack while making this post, so the WRIGGLERS are either back again or they are still there after not having any attacks all afternoon. If they just gave me new RAPE DICK at the Safeway, they probably gave me new WRIGGLERS too.

I think they must have injected me with poison when I went to the store this morning, which would be the second time they injected me directly this week without trying to get the poison into my food. Also, it seemed like the FBI Director, Christopher "Jesuit Fake Name" Wray, intercepted me at the exit of the gym today and gave me a new RAPE DICK implant, which would mean I already got raped twice today, at least. No surprise the catholic NODULE is back in my finger on that count, I guess. However, the WRIGGLER activity seems decreased since I left the gym, so maybe that's improving again, although I think I have sufficiently belabored my opinion on leaving me in Antarctica after de-raping me: that's just a re-rape waiting to happen.

The vatican NODULE from the last knuckle on my left ring finger had disappeared for a few days, but it is back again now, as are all the WRIGGLERS in and around my asshole. I think this is a time where correlation does imply causation.

I have DEEP, MID, and OUTER WRIGGLERS at 9:00, 7:00, 5:00, and 3:00 again. I also have BUTT CHEEK WRIGGLERS again, and I have two tiers of 9:00 MID WRIGGLERS. So, where my ANAL WRIGGLERS had gotten pared down to pretty much just the 9:00 DEEP ANAL WRIGGLER and the 3:00 DEEP ANAL WRIGGLER just a few days ago, I now have about 15-20 in my asshole since there seems to be a large-ish cluster of them between 5:00 and 7:00 which I do not feel like I have accurately counted.

I shaved again to take some more pictures of the depilation mutilations that the jews wrote onto my face when they weren't amputating parts of my nose, bleaching words into my forehead, or sticking things up my ass. I was wrong in my earlier post when I said that the writing was most visible with the clean shave. A little bit of stubble shows the highest contrast. If I remember, I will post a similar set of photos every day for the next few days. I think they also ripped out a bunch of my mustache hairs when they did the POISON ULTRA attack that led to my feet being so swollen recently. I have not been picking my mustache at all, but now it appears quite patchy along the upper contour where it was very full when I first shaved last week. I hope this wasn't another depilation attack.

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'A Complete Decapitation': Three Top-Level Executives at Boeing Resign Amid Safety Concerns Following Alaska Airlines Blowout

Boeing CEO to step down in broad management shake-up as 737 Max crisis weighs on aerospace giant

>Larry Kellner, chairman of the board, will not stand for reelection at Boeing's annual meeting in May

>Stan Deal, president and chief executive of Boeing's commercial airplanes unit, is leaving the company effective immediately.

I went back to the desk and told her that she had given me the wrong phone number, and that the number I wanted should be a toll free number. She was on her phone when I approached, and after I voiced my issue to her, she did not acknowledge me at all, but instead just went back to messing with her phone. After she did not acknowledge me with a verbal response, but just went back to fucking with her phone, I attempted to get her attention again, and she acted offended like I should have known that she already had the correct number in her phone, but she had just decided not to give it to me after she got it, and that, although she had opted not to acknowledge me with a verbal response or even a nod, she had just been waiting for me to come back to the desk so she could silently get the correct number from her phone for me.

This stupid bitch at the desk in the current hotel is definitely trying to instigate shit with me to get me kicked out, or at least to make my stay unpleasant.

After I checked in on Wednesday, I went down to the front desk because the desk chair in my room is broken. Every time I lean back, the elevation piston releases pressure, and the chair will not maintain the height I set. I went down there and told the woman that I wanted a new chair. She said something like, "I doan ha' no chair, Senor." I explained that I was not expecting her to have a chair on hand, but I wanted her to offer me a solution for getting a working chair in my room. She would not look at me while I was talking to her, and she was doodling on the mouse pad while she was trying to blow me off. When I asked if I could please have her undivided attention while I was speaking with her, she lied to say that she was not doodling, and she said instead that she was, "just going like this," indicating her use of the pen to draw little shapes on the mousepad. As I continued to press the issue toward my expectation that she would offer me a solution for getting a non-broken chair in my room, she very obviously gave me the finger pretending to scratch her nose, exactly in the same way I give people the finger all the time.

Today, I went down there again to ask for the hotel's tech support number because I was having connectivity problems on the wifi network. She told me that she didn't know the number, which was basically like telling me she didn't have an extra chair in her purse on Thursday. I told her something like I was not expecting her to have the number memorized, but I wanted her to go get the number for me. I have stayed in enough hotels to know that it would be written down in the office behind the desk if she would get off of her lazy ass to get it. She assured me that she had no way to get the number, and that she didn't know it. Eventually, I asked her to call the manager for me and get the number from him. She refused to do it. She said he was asleep, which may or may not have been true around 9:30 on Saturday, but she had no way to know if he was awake or not, and she was just trying to get me to fuck off. I kept asking her to please get the number for me, and she kept trying to get me to fuck off and leave the desk without getting the number, which I believe was an unreasonable expectation on her part. As a guest, I am entitled by the money I pay to receive the tech support number upon request.

After a while, she said she would message the manager. I agreed that that was not an entirely unreasonable solution since I could not tell her to get the fucking number from the place in the office where she obviously knows it's written down. However, when she did not seem to be making any efforts towards implementing her suggested solution, I asked her what time she would message him. She would not answer me, but would only concede that it would be "soon." I asked again, or a few times, at what time she would message the manager, and eventually she said she would do it now. However, she was still not actually messaging him, and she was still just trying to get me to fuck off without receiving the tech support phone number. It seemed like she was meaning to imply that me fucking off was a pre-condition on her false commitment of messaging him "now." After some more bullshit, I told her that I would wait while she messaged him, as if I needed to remedy her unreasonable expectation that I should leave the desk area and terminate our interaction without getting the phone number. I waited a while, and she asked for my room number while she was messing with her phone. She asked for my room number multiple times, in fact, and she made it seem like was recording complaints abouts me as a bad guest or something. After I had waited a while and I could see that she was engaged in non-stop texting on her phone since she had picked it up allegedly to message the manager, I asked if he had messaged her back. She said no. At that point, I said something like, "Well, I don't want to wait here all day so if you can clarify for me that you are 100% refusing to call the manager despite my requests that you should do so, then I'll leave right now. However, if you're not 100% refusing to call him, then I'll stay here and continue advancing the issue toward that call actually taking place." She blew me off with some bullshit about how she had messaged him, and I told her again that I didn't want to wait all day, so if she would 100% confirm her absolute refusal to call the manager despite my request, then I'd just leave, but, otherwise, if she wasn't absolutely refusing to do it, then I'd continue our interaction advancing toward the managerial phone call that wasn't yet 100% ruled out.

At this point, she would not confirm her absolute refusal, and she said something like, "Let me see if I can find it," and she went into the office behind the desk where the number was obviously written on a piece of paper or something. She returned after a few minutes, and I asked her if she was able to find it. She told me that she was, but she did not offer it to me. I asked her if I could have it, and she told me to wait while she helped the people that had gotten in line behind me, which, my regular readers might recall, was exactly the predicate they used to initiate the situation that got me kicked out of the Holiday Inn when the manager struck my computer with his hand after he began to throw a tantrum. I told the woman at the current hotel that I would like her to respect my place in line and give me the phone number, and she began to recite the number aloud knowing fully well that I did not have a pen and paper on hand. Only after I had to remind her multiple times that I was in front of the people behind me in line did she agree to write the number down on a piece of paper for me.

What I was expecting to happen this morning is that I would go down to the desk and ask for the number, and, then, because she wouldn't have it memorized, she would say, "Sure, let me go get it," or, "Let me try to find it for you." Instead, I had to harp on the issue for who knows how long and ask her about the number who knows how many times before she ended up saying what I thought a normal worker would have said when I asked the first time. They WRIGGLER attacked me about five times while I was waiting, and that was a strong sign that she was giving me a hard time on behalf of my rapists, and that she had suggested waiting for a text response from the manager before offering to get off her fat, ugly ass and get the number from the room ten steps behind her because she was trying to instigate a negative interaction which will support an eventual case for getting me kicked out of this hotel: just like they did at the last Holiday Inn (which I left on Wednesday) after the Majorko stalker succeeded in getting me kick out of the one in Chantilly after he attacked me in the hallway (and as the manager at the Holiday Inn got me kicked out after he attacked me in the lobby.) Once she finally gave me the phone after what was MUCH longer than it should have taken, I said to her something like, "Thanks. You're so helpful. Just going and getting the number for me was way better than having me stand here waiting for it all day." At that point, she exclaimed, "Say that again!," as if it was her opinion that I was in some way out of line by calling attention to her obscenely poor level of customer service that she hadn't just gotten the number after I asked for it the first time. She also was very disrespectful with her eye-rolling antics during our interaction today, but I did not raise the issue of that additional disrespect. Rather, at the end of our VERY long interaction, I made a subtle and not discourteous reference to what a giant fucking cunt she was being by not just getting the number for me when I asked for it the first time.

Furthermore, she gave me the wrong number. Now, I'm going back down there to continue.

United Airlines Boeing 777 Diverted To Denver After 'Engine Issues'

>This comes after a series of recent flight mishaps involving United jets, including a tire falling off a Boeing 777 taking off at San Francisco airport, landing gear issues with a Boeing 737 at Houston, and a panel flying off an aging United Boeing 737.

>potentially deadly DEI mandates.

When I posted this other article about the footage being deleted so there was no record of who was working on "the door that blew out," meaning who was using the RAPE HATCH to poison and rape me, I mentioned that it was obviously Carlos, the master of Opus Dei, whose meal ticket comes from his father Romero Cavalcanti, the master of the jesuits. This DEI reference, and a million others that have been popping up more and more lately, seem like they probably have more to do with Opus Dei than they do with diverstiy and inclusion.

If I didn't get poisoned in my groceries yesterday, then I figure they must have injected me with poison around the place where the branch hangs to make an upside down pitchfork in the sidewalk next to Dale Blvd while I was walking. There was a black latex glove there, and I got LRAD attacked together with a weird sting in my neck. I also finished the walk with a wound as if I had bitten my lip, but I do not recall biting my lip. Therefore, what I thought was a ZAPPER implantation attack on my neck during the walk---which is so mundane that I didn't even mention it---may have been an injection of the poison that left my calves and feet grotesquely swollen this morning.

They also gave me new ANAL NODULES last night or this morning.

My feet are swollen as fuck today, the day after I commented on how much worse the swollen foot poison is than the other poisons they give me, and I didn't eat or drink anything except from Safeway where they were fucking with me very much despite assurances that they were not going to be poisoning my food in there any more. Also, after Lucas started fucking with me in the gym yesterday, he intercepted me at the gym's exit to wave a bottle of water in my face, which makes it seem like they are lettering Lucas and the satanic jews he keeps company with poison my groceries again after an extremely brief one-day hiatus.

It seems like I got a lot of new OUTER WRIGGLERS this morning in addition to the DEEP ANAL WRIGGLERS I got last night.

Some nasty little bitch wearing a military costume pre-followed me out when I left the post office this morning to find a toothpick placed by my car. The RAPE DICK seems much worse again, even after it had already seemed much worse again yesterday, meaning it is now about 10-20 times worse, indicating that I got even more RAPE DICK while I was running errands this morning. My rapist Helene loudly proclaimed YUP! on the LRAD when I typed that stuff about my RAPE DICK getting made worse again this morning at the hands of the people in this disgusting town who would seem not to have time to do anything other than anal rape given the very high volume of anal rape around here. Reminder to horribly torture to death with defiling cruelty all of the people involved in raping me today, all of their relatives and relatives' children, their professional colleagues, and their colleagues' children. It may have happened at the Staples rather than the USPS, because I did not feel the new ultra RAPE DICK when I got back from the post office but then left immediately to go to the Staples. However, they still toothpick-attacked me at the USPS, so it's the same difference. There was some little Mexican piece of shit wearing the same colors as the poster board I picked up in the Staples, so I suppose a reminder is also in order for him and his family, all of his children and relatives' children, his professional colleagues, and his colleagues' children.

As far as I can tell, I got de-raped in the gym yesterday, which is still a rape, and then immediately re-raped with new RD when Lucas Lepri showed up. Then I went to Walmart yesterday and got re-re-raped with new WRIGGLERS. Then they were at least fucking with me at the USPS this morning, and they also re-re-re-raped me with MEGA RAPE DICK somewhere this morning too. This is much worse than the usual amount of rape, which should be expected since this is **ALWAYS** what happens following a de-rape. The hot potato always lands on more new RE-RAPE, and it never stops on DE-RAPE, ever. The whole point of the Antarctica facility is to ensure that it can't.

There is vastly increased WRIGGLER activitiy this morning, and it started after I left the Walmart last night after having no WRIGGLER attacks during the day yesterday. Therefore, I believe the people in this town anally raped me last night in the Walmart when I guess I wasn't holding the sigil of protection firmly enough, or else they raped me after I left the store in the parking lot when I probably released it once the car started moving. In addition to the people in this town anally raping me for the 100th time in the month since I got here, they also implanted new sexual torture devices in my asshole, which is probably why I've had a dozen WRIGGLER attacks already this morning after getting new-feeling 9:00 and 3:00 WRIGGLER attacks last night almost immediately after I left the store. Today is the worst day for WRIGGLERS in at least several days, if not a couple of weeks.

Working on my manuscript this morning, I noticed that my desk chair is broken with the piston not maintaining the elevation level I set as it keeps sinking back down to the lowest possible elevation. I went to the front desk to ask for a new chair, and the woman down there was being a huge cunt. As I was talking to her, she was looking away from me to make little doodles on her mouse pad, and when I asked for her undivided attention while I was speaking to her, she gave me the finger.

Weird black shit appeared in the palm of my hand as soon as I opened the toothpaste I bought at the supposedly non-poisoned grocery store yesterday. There was also an immediate FUHHH on the LRAD, and, although I had just washed my hands in the sink, the two hairs in there indicated a simultaneous HAIR RAPE attack. All of this indicates that the grocery store is still selling me poisoned tooth paste, or they are still using the RAPE HATCH to poison my tooth paste. I also think these two faces that I can see in the pattern of the material on the walls of the shower are supposed to be USA Cat and Blue Elephant, as in the linked image above. The wall is also fucked up behind the panel where I suspect these faces are placed deliberately. It has fresh-looking, uncovered, broken wall damage where someone has probably sawn through the drywall and not made any attempt to make it look right after doing so, something I suspect would have occurred in connection with the installation of the RAPE HATCH. The RAPE DICK got revved WAAYYYY up while I was making this post, to what I believe is the current maximum setting. Also, HAIR RAPE appeared on my desk while I was making this post. HAIR RAPE also appeared in the middle of my phone screen when I was examining why I couldn't connect to the wifi to email the pictures for this post to myself.

Other pic

Also, whatever Windows update did yesterday, it's automatically turning off my noise maker at night instead of leaving it on like it usually does.

Also, there was an immediate blast of unambiguous NASTY SHIT SPRAY to my face as soon as I stopped making this post and started working on my manuscript.

I checked into the new hotel today. The room is pretty good, and it seemed like Joey Collins was working at the desk when I checked in, which I hope is also pretty good even though they TWO THOUSAND! heckled me referencing 2K when I walked through the door, and right after I left the grocery store where they called TWO! ZERO! ZERO! over the intercom a few times in connection with the same issue of 2K. I noticed in the bathroom the shower is completely fucked up. The water won't drain in the bathtub, which is usually the sign of poisoned tap water, and I drank some of the tap water. In my opinion, it's definitely poisoned (HECKLERS FROM NEXT DOOR WHEN I WROTE THAT.) Also, the nozzle plug on the bathtub spout won't fully divert the water pressure to the shower nozzle, so that's fucked up too, and the whole knob with hot and cold control is rickety and loose, and not like you'd normally find in a decent hotel. The bathroom floor was all sticky and nasty where they obviously didn't clean it, or even more obviously made it sticky on purpose. My opinion is that they fucked up the shower and bathroom to indicate the RAPE HATCH before I checked in, and the shower won't drain because they poisoned the tap water. Non-draining drains seem to be the mark of poisoned tap water, which is a big step down because I think it was not poisoned at my last hotel. Also, the walls are very thin here and the people next door are heckling me as I make this post in conjunction with activated my ZAPPERS simultaneously. There was a woman waiting in front of my room when I got here, and a man waiting in front of my room when I got back from my walk, and both times they were the only people visible in this hotel's setup where you can see about half of the 100 rooms from anywhere in the building. I got attacked with HAIR RAPE in the bathroom and elsewhere on the room already a dozen or 20 times after being here for about 6 hours so far. In addition to A LOT of HAIR RAPE, they've thrown about ten pieces of trash on the carpet that were not there when I checked in. It seems like the food I got at the store and the Chinese place today was not poisoned, and they did not seem to use the RAPE HATCH to poison my food, which is an improvement among those other worsenings I mentioned above, but I won't know if they poisoned me until later since they stopped using the poison that makes me instantly sick. The internet seems to be horribly slow here, which is a significant quality of life issue much degraded from the last hotel, though not on the same tier with anal rape and poisoned food and water.

I'm getting this error a lot.
